Dog To Human Years. For example, in 2011 japan had an overall life expectancy of 83 years and sierra leone had a life expectancy of 47. Learn how to calculate dog years into human years with this trusty chart, and find out how researchers came up with the numbers.
Access dogyearschart com convert dog years to human years.
Please select your dog's current age and the size of your dog's breed during adulthood. What's the difference between human years and dog years? By converting a dog's actual age to human years, you can get a better idea of exactly which stage of life your furry friend is in. Dog age in human years conversion. A popular way to calculate your dog's age is to multiply his age by seven. Previously we knew one dog year is equivalent to seven human years, but this wasn't scientifically correct. For some additional information about dog aging, see the bottom of this page. The dog age equation goes beyond simple mathematics. There's no universal rule for calculating your dog's age, but you can get a close estimate. It's common knowledge that one year of a dog's life is equal to seven human years…or is it? You've heard for years that to figure a dog's age in dog years you should just add 7 to each year that your dog has been alive.
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